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Emit, Receive

Archetype provides a seamless way to work with contract events.


Archetype defines events with the event keyword declaration. An event may possess several fields, like a record.

For example, the following declares the HighestBidIncreased event with two fields bidder and amount:

event HighestBidIncreased {
bidder : address;
amount : tez

Use emit instruction to emit an event:

entry bid() {
(* ... *)
if transferred > highestbid then begin
highestbid := transferred;
emit<HighestBidIncreased>({ source; transferred })


The Crank TS package receives events from contracts and executes event handler functions.

For example, the handleHBI function below is executed when a HighestBidIncreased event is emitted by the contract:

import { startCrank } from '@completium/event-well-crank'
import { HighestBidIncreased, register_HighestBidIncreased } from './bid-bindings.ts'

const contract = "KT1..." // address of the emitter contract

const handleHBI = (hbi : HighestBidIncreased) => {
// ...
console.log(`${hbi.bidder} is now the highest bid bidder.`)

// register Handler
register_HighestBidIncreased(contract, handleHBI);

// Start crank
await startCrank();

The HighestBidIncreased type and register_HighestBidIncreased function are bindings code generated by completium CLI:

$ completium-cli generate bindings-ts bid.arl > bid-bindings.ts

Event Well

The event mechanism relies on a contract called event well. The emit instruction sends an operation to the event well, and the crank process monitors incoming well operations:

event well schema

The well contract is deployed on the mainnet and testnets:

NetworkWell address

Its source code is available here and reproduced below:

archetype event_well
with metadata "ipfs://QmeujYaXRZtLPHo6bH17VnEFPmkKo9tLcurfNCA7fXvU7Q"

variable u : unit = Unit

entry %event(arg : bytes) {}


The cost of event emission depends on the quantity of data emitted.